A positive mindset is an important part of coping with illness effectively. It can be very easy to get overwhelmed by the impact that illness is having, and to get stuck in the fear of the worst outcome.
A positive mindset is an important part of coping with illness effectively. It can be very easy to get overwhelmed by the impact that illness is having, and to get stuck in the fear of the worst outcome.
This Hypnotherapy is aimed at building a mindset that will help anyone with illness cope, and focus on recovery. The messages support users in focussing on what they can do, rather than what they cannot do. They assist in maintaining a generally state of calmness, which has benefits for immunity and recovery.
Michelle Harris is a psychologist in Melbourne, Australia. She has used hypnotherapy as part of her practice, helping people with illness to overcome the mental battle that can slow recovery. The hypnotherapy in this recording is based on more than 20 years of clinical experience, and an understanding of what works best for most people.
Listen to the recording every 2 to 3 days while going through the recovery process, or if illness symptoms become more severe.
- We’re all a bit different! Recorded hypnotherapy is designed for a wide audience, and cannot cater to the needs of every individual. There may be problems specific to you that are not addressed in this recording. You may need to consult a psychologist who practices hypnotherapy for assistance with those problems.
- If you fall asleep when listening to the recording you will not get the full benefit of it. Try not to listen to it in bed, or when you are very tired.
- If you are unsure whether hypnotherapy is the right tool for you for any reason please consult your doctor or a psychologist.
- If you have any problems with your recording please email us at info@cpc.com.au
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